Census of Population and Housing

The Institute of Statistics of Albania (INSTAT) has planned to conduct the next Housing and Population Census. The Housing and Population Census will follow the method of direct universal enumeration based on field operations with the compilation of questionnaires by enumerators, using new data collection methods.

Housing and Population Census, 2023

Population and Housing Census is a complete count of all persons, households and dwellings, destination of which is residential. It is a very complex survey, which provides important information not only for policymakers but also for the community and business users. The main purpose of Population and Housing Census is to provide an overview of current and accurate demographic, economic and social reality in the country. Census gives a photography on the social situation and level of living of the population in a given moment ( The critical moment of the Census). Only a census can provide such completed and detailed data and its results are vital for policy and effective measures.

Census Object

In general census of Population and Housing, April 2011, will be recorded :

  • - Household
    - Persons
    - Collective Coexistence
    - Dwellings ( inhabited or no ) and other types of dwellings
    - Foreigners (present at the time of census)
Quality report

Census-AL 2001

A Population and Housing Census is a complete count of all persons, households and dwellings, destination of which is residential. It is a very complex survey, which provides important information not only for policymakers but also for the community and business users. The main purpose of Population and Housing Census is to provide an overview of current and accurate demographic, economic and social reality in the country. Census gives a photography on the social situation and level of living of the population in a given moment ( The critical moment of the Census). Only a census can provide such completed and detailed data and its results are vital for policy and effective measures.

Census Object

In general census of Population and Housing, April 2001, will be recorded :

  • - Household
    - Persons
    - Collective Coexistence
    - Dwellings ( inhabited or no ) and other types of dwellings
    - Foreigners (present at the time of census)
Quality report


No calendar event for this Theme
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St. Vllazën Huta, Building 35,
Entrance 1, Tirana, ZIP Code 1017
+355 4 2222 411
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Census Data 2023

Tab.1 Resident population by age and sex
Tab.2 Resident population by age group and sex
Tab.3 Resident population by sex, age group and marital status
Tab.4 Resident population by age group, citizenship type and sex
Tab.5 Resident population by country of citizenship and sex
Tab.6 Resident population by sex, age group and prefecture
Tab.7 Resident population by municipality, sex and broad age group
Tab.8 Resident female population aged 15 years and over by age group and fertility-related indicators
Tab.9 Resident female population aged 15 years and over ever having children born-alive by age group and number of children ever-born alive
Tab.10 Resident population by age group, country of birth and sex
Tab.11 Resident population by country of birth and sex
Tab.12 Resident population by country of birth, prefecture of birth and prefecture of usual residence
Tab.13 Immigrant population immigrated since 1 January 2011 by sex, age group and year of arrival
Tab.14 Resident population by ethnicity and sex
Tab.15 Resident population by religion and sex
Tab.16 Resident population by language usually spoken at home and sex
Tab.17 Resident population aged 15 years and over by sex, age group, education-attendance status and educational attainment
Tab.18 Resident population aged 10 years and over by sex, age group, education-attendance status and literacy status
Tab.19 Resident population aged 0 to 6 years by sex, age and attendance status in nursery and kindergarden
Tab.20 Resident population aged 6 years and over currently attending education by sex, age and education level attended
Tab. 20.1 Resident population aged 17 years and over currently attending education by sex, age and education level attended
Tab.21 Resident population aged 15 years and over ever attended education by sex, educational attainment, education attendance and level of education attended
Tab.22 Resident population aged 5 years and over by age group, disability status and sex
Tab.23 Resident population aged 5 years and over with disability by sex, age group and type of disability
Tab.24 Resident population aged 10 years and over with disability by age group, educational attainment and literacy status
Tab.25 Resident population by sex, age group and household status
Tab.26 Resident population in private households by sex, age group and family status
Tab.27 Private households by type of household and number of household members
Tab.28 Private households by type of housing, tenure status and number of household members
Tab.29 Family nucleus by type of a family and number of children in the family
Tab.30 Households by age group and sex of the reference person
Tab.31 Resident population in private households by relationship to the reference person and sex
Tab.32 Conventional dwellings by occupancy status, type of building and number of conventional dwellings in the building
Tab.33 Inhabited dwellings, households and population by type of housing, water supply system and type of toilet
Tab.34 Occupied conventional dwellings by useful floor space, period of construction and number of occupants

Census 2023 - Prefectures

Tab. 1.1 Resident population by age and sex
Tab. 1.2 Resident population by age group and sex
Tab. 1.3 Resident population by sex, age group and marital status
Tab. 1.4 Resident population by sex, age group and citizenship
Tab. 1.5 Resident population by citizenship and sex
Tab. 1.6 Resident female population 15 years and over by age group and fertility-related indicators
Tab. 1.7 Resident female population 15 years and over by age group and number of children ever-born alive
Tab. 1.8 Resident population by age group, country of birth and sex
Tab. 1.9 Resident population by country of birth and sex
Tab. 1.10 Resident population by country of birth, prefecture of birth and prefecture of usual residence
Tab. 1.11 Resident Albanian citizens ever residing abroad who returned after 1 January 2011 by sex, age group and year of return
Tab. 1.12 Resident population by ethnicity and sex
Tab. 1.13 Resident population by religion and sex
Tab. 1.14 Resident population by language usually spoken at home and sex
Tab. 1.15 Resident population aged 15 years and over by sex, age group, education-attendance status and educational attainment
Tab. 1.16 Resident population aged 10 years and over by age group, education-attendance status and literacy status
Tab. 1.17 Resident population aged 0 to 6 years by sex, age and attendance status in nursery and kindergarten
Tab. 1.18 Resident population aged 6 years and over currently attending education by sex, age and education level attended
Tab. 1.19 Resident population aged 17 years and over currently attending education by sex, age and education level attended
Tab. 1.20 Resident population aged 15 years and over ever attended education by sex, educational attainment and level of education attended
Tab. 1.21 Resident population aged 5 years and over by age group, disability status and sex
Tab. 1.22 Resident population aged 5 years and over with disability by sex, age group and type of difficulty
Tab. 1.23 Resident population aged 10 years and over with disability by age group, educational attainment and literacy status
Tab. 1.24 Resident population by sex, age group and household status
Tab. 1.25 Resident population living in private households by sex, age group and family status
Tab. 1.26 Private households by type of household and number of household members
Tab. 1.27 Private households by type of housing, tenure status and number of household members
Tab. 1.28 Family nucleus by type of a family and number of children in the family
Tab. 1.29 Households by age group and sex of the reference person
Tab. 1.30 Conventional dwellings by occupancy status, type of building and number of conventional dwellings in the building
Tab. 1.31 Inhabited dwellings, households and population by type of housing, water supply system and type of toilet
Tab. 1.32 Occupied conventional dwellings by number of occupants, useful floor space and period of construction
Tab. 1.33 Private households by household amenities and number of household members

Census Data 2011

1.1.1 Resident population by age group, urban and rural area and sex
1.1.2 Resident population by urban and rural area, sex, age group and marital status
1.1.3 Resident population by size-class of the municipality/commune and sex
1.1.4 Resident population by sex, age group and country of birth
1.1.5 Resident population by sex, age group and place of residence on 1 April 2001
1.1.6 Resident population by prefectures of usual residence in 1 October 2011 and prefecture of usual residence population in 2010
1.1.7 Resident female population 15 years and over ever having children born-alive, by urban and rural area, age group and number of children still alive
1.1.8 Resident institutional population by age group and sex
1.1.9 Resident institutional population by ownership, type of collective living quarters and sex
1.1.10 Resident Albanian citizens ever residing abroad who returned after 1 January 2001 by sex, age group and year of returning
1.1.11 Resident Albanian citizens ever residing abroad returned after 1 January 2001 by sex, country of previous residence and year of returning
1.1.12 Resident population by country of citizenship and sex
1.1.13 Resident population by ethnic and cultural affiliation
1.1.14 Resident population by religious affiliation
1.1.15 Resident population by mother tongue
1.1.16 Resident population who preferred not to answer/not relevant/not stated to ethnic and cultural affiliation, by mother tongue and religious affiliation
1.1.17 Resident population who preferred not to answer/not relevant/not stated to religious affiliation, by mother tongue and ethnical and cultural affiliation
1.2.1 Resident population aged 10 years and over by age group, education attendance and literacy
1.2.2 Resident population aged 10 years and over by sex, age group, education attendance, literacy and educational attainment
1.2.3 Resident population aged 6 years and over currently attending education by sex or urban and rural area and level of education currently attended
1.2.4 Resident population aged 6 years and over currently attending school by urban and rural area, age and level of currently attended education
1.2.5 Resident population aged 10 years and over not currently attending school by urban and rural area, age group, school attendance and educational attainment
1.2.6 Resident population aged 10 years and over not currently attending school by urban and rural area, age and educational attainment
1.2.7 Resident population aged 10 years and over by urban and rural area, sex and number of completed years of education
1.3.1 Resident population 15 years over by age group, sex and disability status
1.3.2 Resident population 15 years and over by sex, age group and degree of disability in seeing
1.3.3 Resident population 15 years and over by sex, age group and degree of disability in hearing
1.3.4 Resident population 15 years and over by sex, age group and degree of disability in mobility
1.3.5 Resident population 15 years and over by sex, age group and degree of disability in cognition
1.3.6 Resident population 15 years and over by sex, age group and degree of disability in self care
1.3.7 Resident population 15 years and over by sex, age group and degree of disability in communication
1.3.8 Resident disabled population 15 years and over by sex, marital status and type of disability
1.3.9 Resident disabled population aged 15 years and over by sex, age group and educational attainment
1.4.1 Households by age group of the reference person, urban and rural area and sex of the reference person
1.4.2 Resident population in private households by relationship to the reference person, urban and rural area and sex of the reference person
1.4.3 Private households by type of household, number of household members and urban and rural area
1.4.4 Private households with one family nucleus by urban and rural area, type of household and number of household members
1.4.5 Family nuclei by type ,number of household members and urban/rural area
1.4.6 Family nuclei with at least one child by urban and rural area, type of family nucleus and number of children
1.4.7 Private households by tenure status, type of housing unit and urban and rural area
1.4.8 Private households by tenure status, ownership of occupied dwelling and by urban and rural area
1.4.9 Private households by main type of heating and urban and rural area
1.4.10 Private households by main type of energy used for heating and urban and rural area
1.4.11 Private households by urban and rural area, household amenities and household members
1.5.1 Buildings for residential purposes by building characteristics and period of construction
1.5.2 Housing stock by urban and rural area, type of housing and number of occupants; population and households by urban and rural area and type of housing
1.5.3 Conventional dwellings by occupancy status and by urban and rural area
1.5.4 Inhabited dwellings, number of private households and number of occupants by urban and rural area, water supply system and type of housing
1.5.5 Inhabited dwellings by urban and rural distribution, type of toilet and type of housing unit
1.5.6 Inhabited dwellings by urban and rural area, number of rooms and number of occupants
1.5.7 Inhabited dwellings by urban and rural area, surface area and number of occupants
1.5.8 Inhabited dwellings, number of private households and number of occupants by urban and rural area, type of heating and type of housing
2.1.1 Resident population, surface and density by prefecture
2.1.2 Buildings for residential purposes and dwellings by prefectures and type of dwellings*
2.1.3 Resident population by sex, age group and prefecture
2.1.4 Resident population by sex, prefecture and marital status
2.1.5 Resident institutional population by prefecture and sex
2.1.6 Resident population by prefecture of the usual residence on 1 October 2011 and prefecture of usual residence on 1 April 2001
2.1.7 Resident population who changed their place of usual residence within Albania since 1 January 2010 by prefecture of usual residence on 1 October 2011 and 2010
2.1.8 Resident Albanian citizens ever-residing abroad who returned after 1 January 2001 by current prefecture of residence and country of previous residence
2.2.1 Population aged 10 years and over by sex, prefectures, age, school attendance, literacy and educational attainment
2.3.1 Resident population 15 years and over by prefecture, sex and disability status
2.3.2 Resident disabled population 15 years and over by sex, prefectures and type of disability
2.4.1 Private households by prefecture, type of household, urban and rural area and number of household members
2.4.2 Family nuclei by prefecture, type of family nucleus and member of family nucleus members
2.4.3 Family nuclei with at least one child by prefecture, type of family nucleus, number of children and total number of family nuclei members
2.4.4 Private households by household amenities and prefecture
2.4.5 Private households by prefecture and main type of energy used for heating
2.4.6 Private households by prefecture and tenure status of dwelling
2.5.1 Buildings for residential purposes by prefecture, type of building and number of dwellings in the building
2.5.2 Buildings for residential purposes by prefecture, number of floors and presence of lift
2.5.3 Buildings for residential purposes by prefecture and year of construction
2.5.4 Dwellings, population and households by prefecure and type of housing
2.5.5 Inhabited dwellings by prefecture and water supply system
2.5.6 Inhabited dwellings by prefecture and type of toilet
2.5.7 Inhabited dwellings by prefecture and type of heating
2.5.8 Conventional dwellings by prefecture and occupancy status
3.1.1 Indicators of population by prefecture
3.1.2 Indicators of education by prefectures
3.1.3 Indicators of disability (a lot or completely unable) by prefectures
3.1.4 Selected indicators for private households by prefecture
3.1.5 Indicators of buildings and dwellings by prefecture

Census 2011 - Prefectures

Tab. 1.1.1 Resident population by age group, urban and rural area and sex
Tab. 1.1.2 Resident population by sex, age group and marital status
Tab. 1.1.3 Resident population by sex, age group and marital status
Tab. 1.1.4 Resident population by sex, age group and place of residence on 1 April 2001
Tab. 1.1.5 Resident population by prefecture of the usual residence on 1 October 2011 and prefecture of usual residence on 1 April 2001
Tab. 1.1.6 Resident population by prefectures of usual residence in 1 October 2011 and prefecture of usual residence population in 2010
Tab. 1.1.7 Resident female population 15 years and over by urban and rural area, age group and number of children ever-born alive
Tab. 1.1.8 Resident female population 15 years and over ever having children born-alive and associated number of children still alive by urban and rural area and age group of mothers
Tab. 1.1.9 Albanian resident population ever residing abroad who returned after 1 january 2001 by sex, age groupn and the period of returning
Tab. 1.1.10 Albanian resident population ever residing abroad returned after 1 January 2001 by sex, country of previous residence and the period of returning
Tab. 1.1.11 Resident population by citizenship and sex
Tab. 1.1.12 Resident population by ethnic and cultural affiliation
Tab. 1.1.13 Resident population by religion affiliation
Tab. 1.1.14 Resident population by mother tongue
Tab. 1.2.1 Resident population aged 10 years and over by age group, education attendance and literacy
Tab. 1.2.2 Resident population aged 10 years and over by sex, age group, education attendance, literacy and educational attainment
Tab. 1.2.3 Resident population aged 6 years and over currently attending education by sex or urban and rural area and level of education currently attended
Tab. 1.2.4 Resident population aged 10 years and over not currently attending education by sex, age group, school attendance and educational attainment
Tab. 1.2.5 Resident population aged 10 years and over not currently attending school by urban and rural area, agegroup, school attendance and educational attainment
Tab. 1.2.6 Resident population aged 10 years and over by urban and rural area,sex and number of completed years of education
Tab. 1.3.1 Resident population 15 years and over by age group, sex and disability status
Tab. 1.3.2 Resident population 15 years and over by sex, age group and degree of disability in seeing
Tab. 1.3.3 Resident population 15 years and over by sex, age group and degree of disability in hearing
Tab. 1.3.4 Resident population 15 years and over by sex, age group and degree of disability in mobility
Tab. 1.3.5 Resident population 15 years and over by sex, age group and degree of disability in cognition
Tab. 1.3.6 Resident population 15 years and over by sex, age group and degree of disability in self care
Tab. 1.3.7 Resident population 15 years and over by sex, age group and degree of disability in communication
Tab. 1.3.8 Resident disabled population 15 years and over by sex, marital status and type of disability
Tab. 1.3.9 Resident disabled population aged 15 years and over by sex, age group and educational attainment
Tab. 1.4.2 Resident population in households by relationship to the reference person, urban and rural area and sex of the reference person
Tab. 1.4.3 Private households and the number of their members by type of household and urban and rural area
Tab. 1.4.4 Private households with one family nucleus by type of household and number of household members
Tab. 1.4.5 Family nuclei and members of family nuclei by type of family nucleus and urban and rural area
Tab. 1.4.6 Family nuclei with at least one child type of family nucleus and number of children
Tab. 1.4.7 Private households by tenure status and urban and rural area
Tab. 1.4.8 Private households by tenure status, ownership of occupied dwelling and urban and rural area
Tab. 1.4.9 Private households by main type of heating and urban and rural area
Tab. 1.4.10 Private households by main type of energy used for heating and urban and rural area
Tab. 1.4.11 Private households by urban and rural area, household amenities and number of household members
Tab. 1.5.1 Buildings for residential purposes by building characteristics and period of construction
Tab. 1.5.2 Housing stock by urban and rural area, inhabitation status, number of ocupants; population and private households by urban and rural area
Tab. 1.5.3 Conventional dwellings by occupancy status and urban and rural area
Tab. 1.5.4 Inhabited dwellings, number of private households and number of occupants by water supply system and by urban dhe rural area
Tab. 1.5.5 Inhabited dwellings,number of private households and number of occupants by type of toilet and by urban and rural area
Tab. 1.5.6 Inhabited dwellings by urban and rural area, number of rooms and number of occupants
Tab. 1.5.7 Inhabited dwellings by urban and rural area, surface and number of occupants
Tab. 1.5.8 Inhabited dwellings, number of private households and number of occupants by type of heating and by urban and rural area
Tab. 2.1.1 Resident population,buildings for residential purposes and dwellings by municipality/commune and type of dwellings
Tab. 2.1.2 Resident population by sex, age group municipality/commune
Tab. 2.1.3 Resident population by municipality/commune and marital status
Tab. 2.2.1 Resident population aged 10 years and over by municipality/commune, education attendance, literacy and educational attainment
Tab. 2.3.1 Resident population aged 15 years and over by municipality/commune, sex and disability status
Tab. 2.3.2 Resident population aged 15 years and over by municipality/commune and type of disability
Tab. 2.4.1 Private households by municipality/commune and type of household
Tab. 2.4.2 Number of household members by municipality/commune and type of household
Tab. 2.4.3 Family nuclei by municipality/commune and type of family nucleus
Tab. 2.4.4 Total members of family nuclei by municipality/commune and type of family nucleus
Tab. 2.4.5 Private households by municipality/commune and household amenities
Tab. 2.4.6 Private households by cmunicipality/commune and main type of energy used for heating
Tab. 2.4.7 Private households by municipality/commune and tenure status of dwelling
Tab. 2.5.1 Buildings for residential purposes by cmunicipality/commune, type of building and number of dwellings in the building
Tab. 2.5.2 Buildings for residential purposes by municipality/communes and number of floors
Tab. 2.5.3 Buildings for residential purposes by municipality/commune and period of construction
Tab. 2.5.4 Inhabitated dwellings by municipality/commune and water supply system
Tab. 2.5.5 Inhabitated dwellings by municipality/commune and type of toilet
Tab. 2.5.6 Inhabitated dwellings by municipality/commune and type of heating
Tab. 2.5.7 Conventional dwellings by municipality/commune and occupancy status

Census Data 2001

Tab 1.1 Resident population and households
Tab 1.2 Instruction
Tab 1.3 Labour
Tab 1.4 Buildings and dwellings
Tab. 2.1 Resident population by sex, marital status, group ages, urban and rural zones
Tab. 2.2 Resident population by educational attainment, age group, sex, urban and rural zones
Tab. 2.3 Resident population by current activity status, sex, age group, urban and rural zones
Tab.2.4 Resident population by educational attainment, economic status, age group, sex, urban and rural zones
Tab.2.5 Resident population employed by educational attainment, branch of economic activity, age group, sex, urban and rural zones
Tab.2.6 Resident population employed by educational attainment, status employement, sex, urban and rural zones
Tab.2.7 Resident population employed by educational attainment, type of work, sex, urban and rural zones
Tab. 2.8 Resident employed population by age group, branch of economic activity, sex, urban and rural zones
Tab. 2.9 Resident employed population by age group, occupation and sex
Tab. 2.10 Resident employed population by number of hours worked in a week, branch of economic activities, sex, urban and rural zones
Tab.2.11 Resident population by number of hours worked (in paid employement) in a week, economic status, sex, urban and rural zones
Tab.2.12 Resident population by number of hours usually worked in a week, economic status, sex, urban and rural zones
Tab.2.13 Resident population with 15 years and above by economic status, mean of travel most used, sex, urban and rural zones
Tab. 2.14 Resident employed population by type of job, place of work and sex
Tab. 2.15 Resident employed population (no working in home) by type of return from work to permanent residence and sex, place of work
Tab. 2.17 Resident population by group of age, place of residence at 1 april 1989 and sex
Tab. 2.18 Resident population by group of age, place of residence at 1 april 2000 and sex
Tab. 2.19 Women by age groups and by number of children born
Tab. 2.20 Women by number of children still alive at 1 april 2001, single years of age, urban and rural zones
Tab. 2.21 Households by number of Members, type of household
Tab. 2.22 Family nuclei by number of children aged under 25 years, type of family nucleus
Tab. 2.23 - Family nuclei by number of children aged under 25 years, type of family nucleus
Tab 2.24 Building characteristics
Tab.2.25 Living quarters by type of buildings, urban and rural zone
Tab.2.26 Household by number of members and housing caracteristics - Urban zones
Tab.2.27 Number of dwelling by number of person and household, rooms inhbited surface and other housing caracteristics, urban and rural zones
Tab. 2.28 Household by number of members and housing caracteristics and urban rural zones
Tab. 2.29 Resident population in collective household sex, group of age
Tab. 2.30 Resident population in collective household sex, group of age
Tab. 3.1 Resident population by sex marital status, district, urban and rural zones
Tab. 3.3 Resident population by educational attainment and districts, sex, urban and rural zones
Tab. 3.4 Resident population by current activity status and districts, sex, urban and rural zones
Tab. 3.5 Resident population employed by group of age, districts, sex ,urban and rural zones
Tab. 3.6 Resident population unemployed by group of age, districts and sex
Tab. 3.7 Resident population not ecomically active by group of age and districts, sex
Tab.3.8 Household by number of members and district, urban and rural zones
Tab.3.10 Buildings by time of construction, district, urban and rural zones
Tab.3.11 Caracteristc of the buildings, district urban and rural zones
Tab.3.12 Number of convetional dwelling by number of person and household, district urban and rural zones
Tab.3.13 Number of convetional dwelling inhabited, district, urban and rural zones
Tab.3.14 Household by number of members and tenure status of the dwelling by districts, Urban and Rural zones
Tab. 4.1 Territorial data by number of villages and cities
Tab. 4.2 Demographic rates by districts urban e rural zones
Tab. 4.3 Old age index, dependence index, substitution index by districts, urban and rural zones
Tab.4.4 Percentage of household by number of members and district, urban and rural zones
Tab. 4.5 Percentage of resident population by educational attainment and districts, sex, urban and rural zones