Births, deaths and marriages

Births and Deaths

Births and deaths are two components that impact the population change. The births and deaths are administrative data, which are processed and published on quarterly basis.

Marriages and divorces

Data on marriage are provided by the General Directorate of Civil Status and are processed, analysed by INSTAT to produce a set of annual frequency indicators.

Data on divorces are provided by the Ministry of Justice with annual frequency. INSTAT take in consideration only the accepted divorces (terminated cases by a court decision without conciliation solution, refusal and dismissal cases) because they really represent divorces that have occurred in a given year.

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Demographic Indicators, Q3 - 2024


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Births and Deaths

Statistics on births, deaths were obtained through relevant forms filled by the civil register offices. The period during 1990 - 2001 is characterized by lack of statistics both in the total number of demographic events and in their structure according to gender, age groups, residence, etc. Lack of accuracy while filling the forms and method of forwarding to INSTAT consist the main cause for this situation. The situation is different for period 2004 - 2007, this data are better completed. In order to overcome this difficulty, it was deemed appropriate to make a statistical evaluation using statistical procedures of version of "TREND" of "SPSS" program. Statistical evaluation was based on two of the main procedures used to evaluate statistical time series assessments, namely "Exponential Smoothing" and "Seasonal Arima". The first procedure was used in the cases when serial timing statistics were annually divided in time. While the second procedure was better adoptable to statistics of monthly divided in time. Evaluation obtained through use of these two procedures were compared to the statistics offered by relevant forms allocated by INSTAT, following with the process of calculation of real values included in this publication.

Since 2011, the data on births and deaths are electronically sent by General Directory of Civil Status. This way of providing the information on demographic events ensures a more data completeness as well as fulfilling the publication deadlines, but on the other hand since it is in the first step of its implementation some of the important statistical variables is missing. This is the reasons why some of the indicators of births and deaths after 2010 are missing.

The births and deaths figures are published on quarterly basis. Given that not all of these events are registered when occurred, revisions are required in the last quarter. Thus, all the previous quarters’ figures are updated in the fourth quarter.


Statistics on marriages were obtained through relevant forms filled by the civil register offices. The period during 1990 - 2007 was characterized by lack of statistics both in the total number of demographic events and in their structure according to gender, age groups, residence, etc. Lack of accuracy while filling the forms and method of forwarding to INSTAT consist the main cause for this situation. For period 2002 - 2007 numbers of forms has been completed.

Since 2011, the data on marriages are electronically sent by General Directory of Civil Status. This way of providing the information on demographic events ensures a more data completeness as well as fulfilling the publication deadlines, but on the other hand since it is in the first step of its implementation some of the important statistical variables is missing. This is the reasons why some of the indicators of marriages after 2010 are missing.

Data on marriage are provided by the General Directorate of Civil Status and are processed, analysed by INSTAT to produce a set of annual frequency indicators.


The Statistical Office in the Ministry of Justice provides statistical data on divorces. INSTAT processes only completed cases with a final court decision.

Data on divorces are provided by the Ministry of Justice with annual frequency. INSTAT take in consideration only the accepted divorces (terminated cases by a court decision without conciliation solution, refusal and dismissal cases) because they really represent divorces that have occurred in a given year.