
Agricultural statistics are an important tool for monitoring and managing the market of agricultural products. Statistics are also becoming an important instrument for evaluating agricultural policies.

The growth of agricultural production not only develops the economy and reduces unemployment, but it also helps lower the prices of the major vital consumer products consumed by the population as well as lower the country's dependence on imports.

Plant production statistics provide information on cereals, industrial plants, root crops, beans, and vegetables, other crops in arable land, orchards, citrus, olive and vineyards. Data on first and second cultures are collected, processed and evaluated on the open field and protected area. Statistical information on the agriculture branch refers to the administrative data collected by the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development and the assessments of the expert. Survey are other sources that used for production of agriculture statistics.

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Agriculture Statistics, 2024


23-06-2025 Agriculture Statistics2024
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Agricultural statistics are an important tool for monitoring and managing the market of agricultural products. Statistics are also becoming an important instrument for evaluating agricultural policies.

Agricultural statistics cover cereals, industrial plants, other crops in arable land, vegetables, fruits, citrus, olive and vineyards. These statistics provide detailed information on the sown area, production area, harvested area, production of crops under arable land, total number of trees in permanent cops as well number of trees in production, as well as production, and yields of permanent crops.

Legal basis

Administrative Sources

  • Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development

Statistical Sources

  • Annual Agriculture Survey
  • Greenhouse and Big farm Surveys

Updated variables are

  • The status of holding activity
    • Legal status
    • Main activity
    • Main categories of Utilised Agricultural Area (UAA)
    • Area and production of crops under arable land
    • Area and production of vegetables in open field and in protected area
    • The total area and area in production of permanent crops by kinds
    • Production and yield of permanent crops by kinds
    • Address and communication variables

Agricultural economic activity is based on Nomenclature of Economic Activities, NACE Rev. 2

Agricultural Economic Unit (UNEB) - is the only economic, economical unit defined in a unique direction from the ground and why in non-continuous parcels where agricultural and livestock production is run by a single person or group of persons , for the realization of agricultural-livestock activities.

Land use

The total area is the entirety of the economical units’ territory composed of the sum of the utilised agriculture area (UAA) and other land.

Utilised agricultural area composed by:

  • arable land,
  • permanent crops,
  • kitchen gardens used by the holding and
  • permanent grassland,

Arable land

Arable land (ploughed or tilled) regularly, generally under a system of crop rotation. Crop rotation is the practice of alternating annual crops grown on a specific field in a planned pattern or sequence in successive crop years. Normally the crops are changed annually, but they can also be multi-annual. To distinguish arable land from permanent crops or permanent grassland, a threshold of five years is used. The area cultivated with field plants is the area planted with these kinds of plants in a given agricultural year. Here we speak of an area with main crops (primary). The main crops (primary) normally have a greater economical value than the other cultures and occupy the land in the most part of the year. The main crops are wheat, spring cultures like the grain maize, potatoes, the legume, industrial plants, the alfalfa, etc.

Permanent crops

Permanent crops area is area of land with fruit trees, olives, citrus and vineyards. Here are included only area with permanent crops in blocks.

Kitchen gardens

Areas devoted to the cultivation of agricultural products intended for self-consumption by the holder and his household, normally separated off from the rest of the arable land, and recognisable as kitchen gardens.

Permanent grassland

Land used permanently (for five years or more) to grow herbaceous forage crops, through cultivation (sown) or naturally (self-seeded), and that is not included in the crop rotation on the holding. The land can be used for grazing or mown for silage, hay or used for renewable energy production.


Other land

The forest area

The forests are the area occupied with forests presents those territory extinctions in which there are forest woods, woods or bushes which produce timbering and other forest productions.

The unutilised agricultural area

The unutilised agricultural area is the land area sufficiently able for agricultural production but for some reasons it hasn’t been used in the given agricultural year.

Non agriculture area

Other land is land occupied by buildings, farmyards, tracks, ponds, quarries, infertile land, rock, etc.

Harvest year

Harvest year’ means the calendar year in which the harvest begins.

Area under cultivation

Area under cultivation means the area that corresponds to the total sown area, but after the harvest it excludes ruined areas (e.g. due to natural disasters). In area under cultivation included main and secondary area of crops.

Production area of permanent crops

Production area’, in connection with permanent crops, means the area that can potentially be harvested in the reference harvest year. It excludes all non-producing areas, such as new plantations that have not yet started to produce, extensive production or abandoned

Organic farming

Organic farming is a mode of agricultural production that uses organic production methods and places the greatest emphasis on the protection of the environment and wildlife and, in relation to livestock production, on animal welfare considerations. Organic production includes general production management systems for crops and livestock, emphasizing on-farm management practices over off-farm inputs.

Organic Products

Organic products are plant or animal products, which are controlled at all stages of production and processing, from the first step to the consumer, treated without the use of inputs and methods that harm humans, the environment or the ecosystem.