
Albania has natural water potentials, which are suitable for fish farming. Fishing is an important sector of the Albanian economy. Aquaculture has faced a development, as an important sector with prospect for the domestic economy. Fishing data are collected by the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development based on the GFCM (General Fisheries Commission for the Mediterranean) methodology based on fishing fleet segments, collection of logbooks from ships, interviews with aquaculture operators, etc. Data on fish catching are collected by water categories and at country level.

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Fishery Statistics, 2024


25-06-2025 Fishery Statistics2024
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Legal basis:

  • Law no.17/2018 on official statistics
  • Official statistics national program, 2017 – 2021
  • REGULATION (EC) No 762/2008 on “Aquaculture Statistics”

Main variables:

  • Fish catch by water categories:
    1. Marine,
    2. Coastal line,
    3. Coastal lagoons,
    4. Inland waters,
    5. Aquaculture

  • Catches by major species
    1. European anchovy
    2. Deep-water rose shrimp
    3. European hake
    4. European pilchard

  • Marine fleets by fishing ports:

a.     Durrës

b.    Vlorë

c.     Saranda

d.    Shëngjin

e.     Himara

f.     Lushnje –Fier

  • Marine fleet by vessel type:

a.     Trawlers

b.    Seiners

c.     Purse seiners

d.    Dredgers

e.     Gill netters

f.     Multipurpose vessels



Sources of information:

Fishing data are collected by the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development based on the GFCM (General Fisheries Commission for the Mediterranean) methodology based on fishing fleet segments, collection of logbooks from ships, interviews with aquaculture operators, etc. Data on fish catching are collected by water categories and at country level.




Fish catch data (fish and aquaculture production) are collected by water categories.

The aquatic fisheries categories are: marine fishing, brackish waters, lagoons, inland waters, aquaculture and molluscs.

Maritime Fishing: Includes all data on fishing fleet activity and production capacity of different fishing areas.

Fishing capacity

The total quantity of catched fish in one fishing area. The catches are sub-divided by the area in which they were taken.


The catches are sub-divided by the area in which they were taken.


It is defined as the farming of aquatic organisms. Include fish, mollusks, crustaceans and aquatic plants.


Is total number of fishing vessel which uses fixed resources. The fleet operates almost entirely in Geographic Sub-Area (NSR) 18 (South Adriatic)

Depending on the purpose of the vessel, the Albanian fishery navy is divided into six different types of fishing vessels:

Trawlers - Trawling is the most important and one of the most efficient fishing methods in the world. This method is performed as in shallow waters up to a depth of 2000 m. Trawlers are used for bottom and pelagic fishing, depending on the shape of the used nets. The trawling process is carried out for a certain period of time and for a certain distance until the net is pulled up and emptied. This fishing gear is mainly used to fish demersal fish. However these tools can also be used for pelagic fishing at different depths, between the surface and the bottom. These vessels are provided with engines of sufficient power to tow the gear at the appropriate trawling speed

Seiners - These vessels use surrounding and seine nets and comprise a large group appearing in all sizes, ranging from open boats, usually at least 10 m in length, to ocean going vessels. Seiners are normally used to catch aggregating pelagic species but there are special applications that target demersal species.

Purse seiners - These vessels comprise a large group appearing in all sizes ranging from small boat to open ocean going vessels. Purse seiners are the most important and most effective vessels to catch aggregating species near the surface. The vessel surrounds the shoal with a deep curtain of netting and then the bottom of the net is pursed (closed) underneath the shoal by hauling a wire which runs from the vessel through rings on the bottom of the net and back to the vessel. Searching for shoals and assessing the size and direction of movement of it are the most important part of the fishing operation

Dredgers- These are gears which are dragged along the bottom to catch shellfish. They consist of a metal frame to which a holding bag constructed of metal rings or meshes is attached. Dredges can be trawled by boat or by hand. Dredges are gears used near the coast and fish in close contact with the bottom.

Gill netters- The size of the vessels varies depending on the fishing area. Gillnets can be operated from boats on inland waters and inshore, decked small vessels in coastal waters and medium sized vessels fishing offshore. In coastal waters it is very common that gillnetting is used as a second fishing method according to fishing season and targeted species.

Multipurpose vessels- These are vessels which are equipped for alternative use of two or more different fishing gear without major modifications to the vessels.

This data is subject to review, for more information refer to: