Balance of electric power
Balance of electric power provides statistical information on domestic production of electricity, electricity exchange, losses in network also the usage of electricity for final consumption in our country. The publication of electric power balance is produced quarterly, based on monthly data collected from administrative sources as:
- KESH a.s., a state joint stock trading company, vertically integrated, which has the leading role and is the key producer of electricity in Albania;
- OSHEE a.s., a public company with 100% state-owned shares that carries out the supply and sales of electricity also the operation and management of the distribution network;
- OST a.s., transmission system operator is a public company with 100% state-owned shares that operates in the electricity transmission system from the physical and distribution concepts. OST a.s. provides the necessary transmission capacities for:
- the supply of uninterrupted electricity for Distribution System substations (OSHEE a.s.) and electricity customers directly connected to the transmission network;
- the transmission of electricity produced from domestic sources;
- also transits and necessary exchanges with other countries in the region.
Definitions of basic indicators
Available electricity refers to the quantity of electricity generated by domestic production of electricity plus total amount of electricity exchange.
Net domestic production of electricity is equal to the gross electricity production from thermo plants, hydroelectric plants and other producers less the electrical energy absorbed by the generating auxiliaries and the losses in the main generator transformers.
Thermo electricity refers to electricity produced by thermo plants.
Hydro electricity refers to energy of water converted into electricity in hydroelectric plants.
Own consumption and losses is the total plant's consumption in generation process and production losses.
Independent power producers refer to private electricity producers which consist of private plants and concession contracts with the Republic of Albania. These producers are directly related to the transmission system and are licensed by the Energy Regulatory Entity (ERE) and may sell capacity or energy to OST and OSHEE, to cover losses in transmission and distribution system, as well as to other clients.
Other producers refer to electricity production from other energy sources, excluding hydro and thermo electricity.
Electricity exchange refers to the difference between imported and exported electricity, also including transits and necessary exchanges of electricity with other countries in the region.
Consumption of electricity refers to the total quantity of electricity consumed by final users and losses in networks. It is equal to the sum of the following categories: electrical losses and consumption of electricity by domestic users.
Electrical losses refer to losses in transmission network including own consumption in transmission and distribution losses. Technical losses in distribution are estimated by OSHEE a.s. Non technical losses refer to the difference between total losses in distribution and technical losses in distribution.
Consumption of electricity by domestic usersrefers to the quantity of electricity consumed by final users and is calculated as the sum of the consumption of households and non households.
Households refer to the quantity of household's electricity consumption.
Non households refer to the electricity consumption quantity that are not consumed by households but include the consumption of electricity by industry, transport, agriculture, public services, etc.