Migration and migrant integration

Migration and migrant integration

International migration is an important component, which has an impact on population numbers. INSTAT estimates the annual number of immigrants and emigrants based on the integrated migration module in the Labour Force Survey since 2015.

Statistics on foreigners with residence permits and asylum seekers in Albania are included for the first time in the Official Statistics Program 2017-2021. Through Memorandums with Institutions, these data has been made available since 2017, with a dedicated publication. Data on foreigners are provided by the Department of Border and Migration, while data on asylum seekers and citizenship are provided by the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

Quality report
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Foreigners in Albania, year 2024

Asylum seekers in Albania, 2023

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Asylum seekers in Albania, 2024


04-07-2025 Asylum seekers in Albania2024
22-08-2025 Movements of CitizensJuly 2025
25-08-2025 Foreigners in Albania2024
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Net Migration

International movements (international migration) are the most difficult component to measure, as a population register does not exist in Albania yet. In this way we use the best ‘proxy’ data to measure migration, based mainly on data collected from the migration module of the labor force survey combined with population projection rates 2011-3031.

Internal movements

The internal movements, inside the territory of the country, are also provided yearly by the General Directorate of Civil Status. The data received contains all the internal movements of the population, including the change of residence (prefecture) reflected in the destination civil office of the person. Internal movements of the persons which are not registered in the respective civil offices in the destination prefecture are not considered.


Resident population: is based on the concept of usual residence. According to this definition in the resident population of one year are included all those persons who lived or have the intention to live for at least 12 months in the country, regardless of nationality.

Net migration: is the difference between the number of immigrants and the number of emigrants of a population, in a specific territory, in a given period of time (I-E).