In accordance with INSTAT's statistical activity plan based on the Official Statistics Program (2022-2026), the Labour Market Statistics Sector, INSTAT, conducted for the first time in 2019, the survey “Structure of Earnings Survey in Albania, 2022”.
Based on Council of Europe Regulation no. 530/1999, European Commission Regulation no. 1916/2000 (amended) and Regulation of the European Commission no. 1738/2005 of the EU, This is enterprise survey with four-year frequency. The survey collects information on real wage received by an employee in a particular economic activity for October and the reference year 2022. The information collected is related to the earnings paid by the employer for each “job holder” (job holder) that will means earnings for each job position. This survey does not cover the earning of the same person employed elsewhere in a second or third job.
The purpose of this legislation is to provide accurate and harmonized data on work income for all EU Member States.
Legal acts
The Legal acts on which the quadrennial Statistical Survey on Structure of earnings Statistics is based on:
- Law No.17, dated 05.04.2018 "On official statistics" as amended
- National Statistical Program for the period 2022-2026.
- Council of Europe Regulations no. 530/1999, no. 1916/2000 (amended) and no. 1738/2005 of the EU,
The main variables of administrative data on Earnings are grouped into the following categories:
Identification variables
- NIPT, Name, Address, Communication (Tel, Fax etc.)
Lier variables
- Main economic activity, size by employees,
Economic variables
- Total gross wages, Employer and employee contributions, non-working and working days, Remunerations and other regular or non-regular allowances and other expenses for staff.
Statistical sources
- Structure of Earnings Survey;
Sources for updating variables
Statistical sources
Structure of Earnings Survey;
Updated variables are:
Total gross wages, Employer and employee contributions, Unworked working days, Other regular and non-regular bonuses and other expenses for staff members.
Statistical definitions
In the Structure of earnings Survey are included all employees referring to October 2022, who are of the following categories:
- sales representatives, providing they are on the payroll and receive other forms of
remuneration in addition to any commission,
- apprentices,
- students and trainees (articled clerks, student nurses, research or teaching assistants, hospital interns, etc.) who have a formal commitment to contribute to the unit’s production process in return for remuneration and (or) education services,
- disabled workers, provided the formal or informal relationship of employer to employee
exists whereby the person works for the enterprise in return for remuneration in cash or in kind,
- people carrying out remunerated productive activity under employment programs engaged by an employer under a contract of employment,
- interim or temporary workers (e.g. secretarial staff) recruited, employed and remunerated by employment agencies to work elsewhere,
- seasonal and occasional workers, if they have a formal or informal agreement with the
enterprise or local unit and pre-defined working hours,
- employees for whom labour costs were incurred in the reference period but who were
temporarily not at work because of illness or injury, holiday or vacation, strike or lock-out, educational or training leave, etc,
- those working abroad if they continue to receive remuneration from the reporting unit,
- civil servants and other government employees whose terms and conditions of employment are laid down by public law,
- the armed forces, consisting of those who have enlisted for both long and short engagements and also conscripts (including conscripts working for civil purposes),
- ministers of religion, if they are paid directly by general government or a non-profit
- outworkers, including home workers and tele-workers if there is an explicit agreement that such workers are remunerated on the basis of the work done.
Average gross annual earnings in the reference year, 2022 - is the actual gross annual earnings for employee for the calendar year, not those earnings reflected in the employee's contract.
Average gross monthly earnings in the reference month, 2022 - is the income from wages and bonuses paid during the reference month (October 2022) calculated before each tax deduction and social security contributions paid by the employer.
Average gross hourly earnings in the reference month, 2022 - the average gross hourly wage paid to employees in the reference month.
Annual bonuses and allowances not paid at each pay period - includes bonuses and other payments that are not paid on regular period.
Typical examples are end-of-year holiday bonuses, unpaid leave payments, productivity bonuses, etc.