
Health statistics contain data on the main indicators of the health service in Albania, based on Eurostat standards. The aim is to provide a dynamic assessment of the health service in Albania from year to year.Health information is very important and decisive for decision-making and planning activities across healthcare systems. From this point of view, the health information system should be considered as a public health base and an integral part of the health system in each country. Therefore, the strengthening and modernization of health information systems should be considered as a priority of the institutions involved in providing healthcare in Albania.

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Causes of Deaths, 2024


14-11-2025 Public Health Indicators2024
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Health statistics contain data on indicators and main activities of health and social services in Albania. Also, an important part of the module is information on the cause of deaths recorded locally over the years according to the International Classification of Diseases (ICD 9). In processing data and calculating causes of death causes, INSTAT uses the international classification of diseases, which can be found in the link below:

International classification of diseases (ICD-9)

Data on health indicators are mainly administrative / public source.

The main sources of information are:

Data from the Ministry of Health and Social Protection include the primary health service at the two levels of its organization:

- the primary service that reflects information on the activity of health centers, women's consultants, child consultants, maternity mortality etc.

- secondary hospital and tertiary hospital service, which provides information on the number of hospitals, the number of patients entering and leaving during the year, the number of operations and the use of the bed (average stay day, bedrate per year, etc.)

Data from the Institute of Public Health include data mainly on preventive measures and control of diseases such as vaccine coverage, infectious diseases (AIDS etc.), family planning and abortion types occurring over a year in the country.

Data from the Compulsory Health Insurance Fund, being the only public institution that funds health services from public and private providers, include data on health care funding schemes.

The General Directorate of the Civil Status, which provides full information on the deaths recorded during a year in Albania, information based on the death records filled in by the doctor.

The major diseases of the International Classification of Diseases, Causes of Death and Trauma (ICD-9) consist of:

I - Infectious & parasitic diseases (001-139)

II - Neoplasm (140-239)

III - Endocrine, metabolic, immunity, nutritional diseases (240-279)

IV - Blood, blood-forming organs (280-289)

V - Mental disorders (290-319)

VI - Nervous system & sense organ diseases (320-389)

VII - Circulatory system diseases (390-459)

VII - Respiratory system diseases (460-519)

IX - Digestive system diseases (520-579)

X - Genitourinary system diseases (580-629)

XI - Pregnancy, childbirth, puerperal (630-676)

XII - Skin & subcutaneous tissue diseases (680-709)

XII - Musculoskeletal system and connective tissue (710-739)

XIV - Congenital Anomalies (740-759)

XV - Certain diseases of early infancy (760-779)

XVI  - Symptoms, sign, and ill-defined conditions (780-799)

XVII - Injury and poisoning (800-999)

XVIII - External of injury and poisoning (accidents) (E800-E999)

Cause of death: Is the disease or symptom that has caused or contributed to death, as well as the circumstances of the accident that caused these trauma (described in the death certificate).

Morbidity: Is the frequency of diseases in a population.
It is measured by: Prevalence that is the number of all cases of disease in a population, at a given moment (instantaneous frequency), or during a given period, regardless of the beginning of the disease and regardless of new cases or old, reported in the observation unit community.

Death: Means the enduring disappearance of all signs of life at any moment after a live birth (termination of vital functions without resuscitation). This definition does not include fetal death.

Mortality: Expresses the deaths as a component of the population change, which happens to every member of the population.

Maternal Mortality: Is the death of a woman who happens during the period of pregnancy or within 42 days after her termination, whatever the prolongation or localization, for any cause determined or burdened by the burden or from the burden of assistance but not accidental or Unexpected.

The Infant mortality coefficient: Is the number of deaths of children under 1 year old per 1000 live births in a given year.

The maternal mortality coefficient:  Is the number of women dying as a result of pregnancy in a given year for 100,000 live births of that year.

Using bedding per day: Are the average day of the year that a hospital bed has been busy with a patient.

Days of beds made: Is the multiplication of bed use per day with the number of beds in the hospital.

Turn of a Bed: Is the number of patients who have been laid on a bed during the year.