Publication of wages and salaries data contains detailed data on the level of wages, distribution and their change over a year. These statistics offer an opportunity to compare salaries in different industries and for different occupational groups. Real wage growth and gender pay gap are also of particular importance to the monitoring of economic indicators that are used by policy-makers, employers and trade unions to assess job supply and job requirements.
Date | Statistics | Period |
11-03-2025 | Wage Statistics | Q4 - 2024 |
11-06-2025 | Wage Statistics | Q1 - 2025 |
10-09-2025 | Wage Statistics | Q2 -2025 |
10-12-2025 | Wage Statistics | Q3 - 2025 |

Entrance 1, Tirana, ZIP Code 1017
Wage Statistics Q1 - 2024 | 11-06-2024 | ||
Wage Statistics Q2 - 2024 | 10-09-2024 | ||
Wage Statistics Q3 - 2024 | 10-12-2024 |
Wage Statistics, Q1 - 2023 | 12-06-2023 | ||
Wage Statistics, Q2 - 2023 | 11-09-2023 | ||
Wage Statistics, Q3 - 2023 | 11-12-2023 | ||
Wage Statistics, Q4 - 2023 | 11-03-2024 |
Wage Statistics, Q1 - 2022 | 10-06-2022 | ||
Wage Statistics, Q2 - 2022 | 12-09-2022 | ||
Wage Statistics, Q3 - 2022 | 12-12-2022 | ||
Wage Statistics, Q4 - 2022 | 10-03-2023 |
Wage Statistics, Q1 - 2021 | 11-06-2021 | ||
Wage Statistics, Q2 - 2021 | 10-09-2021 | ||
Wage Statistics, Q3 - 2021 | 14-12-2021 | ||
Wage Statistics, Q4 - 2021 | 10-03-2022 |
Wage Statistics, Q1 - 2020 | 10-06-2020 | ||
Wage Statistics, Q2 - 2020 | 10-09-2020 | ||
Wage Statistics, Q3 - 2020 | 10-12-2020 | ||
Wage Statistics, Q4 - 2020 | 12-03-2021 |
Wage Statistics, Q4 - 2018 | 11-03-2019 | ||
Wage Statistics, Q1 - 2019 | 10-06-2019 | ||
Wage Statistics, Q2 - 2019 | 11-09-2019 | ||
Wage Statistics, Q3 - 2019 | 11-12-2019 | ||
Wage Statistics, Q4 - 2019 | 10-03-2020 |
Administrative data on Wages and Salaries according to administrative sources in Albania refer to the official minimum wage and the average monthly gross wage and salary per employee.
Legal Base
- Law No.17/2018 on Official Statistics
- Official Statistics National Programme 2022-2026
- Memorandum of Cooperation with the General Directorate of Taxation
The main variables of administrative data on wages are grouped into the following categories:
Identification variables
- NIPT, Legal Form, Ownership, Name, Address, Communication (Tel, Fax etc.)
Lier variables
- Main economic activity, size by employees,
Individual economic variables
- Total gross wages. Contributions to the employer and employee, working days and holiday days etc.
Sources for updating variables
Administrative resources
- General Directorate of Taxation
- Regional Statistical Offices
Updated variables are:
- Data on wages and salaries declared in the General Directorate of Taxation
- Data on contributions declared in the General Directorate of Taxation
In 2017, bazed to the Code of Practice of European Statistics and reflecting engagement through the Law on Official Statistics to produce qualitative statistics, INSTAT implemented the policy of changing the methodology for calculating wages by revising the series 2014-2016.
The Methodology Change Policy is a component of the Statistical Data Policy Review and follows the vision of the integrated European Statistical System, which requires the coordination and synchronization of publication and review of statistics, maximum transparency for users through a clear communication of policies and review practices.
For more information please consult the official INSTAT official website:
Changing the methodology and recalculating data on wages and salaries was done in cooperation with experts from the Swedish Institute of Statistics.
According to the expert recommendations, for the payroll files 2014-2016, were made the following changes:
1) Updating employment status. In the category of employees were included categories that were not previously included in the wages calculation. These categories are as follows
- a) Employed as a domestic worker by the head of household registered in the tax authority, the declaration of that person by the head of household;
- b) Self-employed also employed in another entity (legal person or natural person) to which he / she pays contributions on a salary lower than the maximum wage on which social contributions are calculated. Declaration by the employing subject
- c) Self-employed also employed in another entity (legal person or natural person) to which he / she pays contributions on a salary lower than the maximum wage on which social contributions are calculated. Declaration by the natural person entity for this person.
2) All employees (foreign and Albanian)
3) All employees who worked 20 days or more.
Average monthly wage - In the calculation of the average gross monthly wage, are included only the number of
contributory employees who work 18 or more days during the reference month. These contributors belong to all economic
activities, including the Agriculture, forestry and fishing activity that are declared in the General Directorate of Taxes
The average gross monthly wage is constituted by the following elements:
- Basic wage for job performed
- Additional payment for managerial duties
- Additional payment for years at work
- Additional payment for difficult working conditions
- Other regular additional payments
Social security contributions and taxation on income are not deducted from the average monthly wage
Real growth of wage - is the ratio of annual percentage change of wages over the annual percentage change of price index during the reference period.
Minimum wage - is the lower wage paid out for an employee approved by the Government.