Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) usage in Households and by Individuals

The Survey on “Information and Communication Technologies usage in Households and by Individuals (ICT)” is a statistical survey which targets are households and all individuals residing in Albania 16 - 74 years old. The survey collects data on issues related to the use of information and communication technology in the household and by individuals, such as: on household/individual equipment for information and communication technologies (telephone, computer equipment, Internet access), on Internet use (e- commerce, e-government, etc.). The data in the publication refers to year 2022 with a duration of data collection in fieldwork of two months, where information is collected each year with reference periods for the "last three and 12 months"[1].

[1] For further information consult with the Methodology section, page 6.

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Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) usage in Households and by Individuals 2025


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The Survey on Information and Communication Technology Usage in Households and by Individuals is a statistical survey conducted in households and targets all individuals residing in Albania from16 - 74 years old.

The survey data will be used as one of the inputs for calculating the indicators on ICT’s usage and communication technologies used by households and individuals.

The survey collects data on issues related to the use of information and communication technology in the household and by individuals upon: household equipment for information and communication technologies (telephone, computer equipment, Internet access), on Internet use, e- commerce, e-government, etc.) In order to analyse more aspects of the use of new technologies, the questionnaire is dynamic so new sections are included with different frequency.

The Survey on Information and Communication Technology Usage in Households and by Individuals was conducted for the first time in 2018 with a representative sample for whole Albania.

In 2024 the Survey on Information and Communication Technology Usage in Households and by Individuals was conducted with a sample of 7,200 households. At the end of the survey, about 4,724 households distributed uniformly throughout Albania were interviewed. The response rate of the households, calculated as a ratio of the number of households that completed the survey to the number of households selected, expressed in percentage resulted 65.6 %.

The sampling is done according to a two-step procedure. The first step units (PSUs) are homogenized Census areas, with proportional probability with the size of the Census area. In the second step, within each of the selected areas in the first step, a fixed number of 10 households are selected by the systematically equal probability method. The choice in both steps was made randomly.

Data collection:

The conduction of a direct interview by the interviewers through computer assisted questionnaire (CAPI method) which includes household’s questions and base data of the household and is conducted also an individual interview for each person present in the household over 16 - 74 years old.

The questionnaire structure:

• General information;

• Demographic characteristics of household members;

• Individual questionnaire (socio-demographic characteristics, modules for the ICT usage from them).


Household is referred to a group of individuals, a related person or not, who live together in the same apartment or in a part of the house and share a partial or common economy.

Reference period is the duration of a certain subject that the information is collected on. The survey uses different reference periods depending on the type of information that must be taken and objectives of each matter to be analysed. In 2024 the survey was conducted in the period May – July 2024.

Internet is an interconnected computer networking system that uses the Internet Protocol Suite (TCP / IP) to connect billions of devices worldwide. It is a network of networks consisting of millions of private, public, academic, business, and government networks, with local to global scope, connected by a wide array of electronic, wireless, and optical network technologies. The Internet carries a wide range of information resources and services, such as hypertext related documents and World Wide Web (WWW) applications, email, telephony and peer-to-peer file sharing networks.

Access refers to internet access not only at home but also can family members access it whenever / wherever they want.

Broadband Internet service is the most used form of high speed internet access; it is offered in several forms, DSL, ADSL as well as optical fibre, cable and satellite, public Wi-Fi networks, through the antenna