Business Registers

Business register serves for statistical purposes and clearly have to identify units in order to:

  • Permit the collection of information about them via administrative sources;
  • Provide a sampling base for surveys, coordination of surveys and for grossing up surveys results;
  • Permit demographic analysis of the population of enterprises and their associated units.

Business Registers are a base for the compilation of the statistics needed to provide indicators of both short term and structural economic developments.

Quality report
Next publishing
Business Registers, 2024


13-03-2025 Small and Medium Enterprises2024
05-05-2025 Demographic events in the enterprise2025
03-06-2025 Business Registers2024
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Statistical Business Registers holds all legal units, enterprises and their local units, carrying on economic activities contributing to the gross domestic product (GDP).

Legislative base

  • Law no 17/2018 date 5.4.2018 “For official statistics”;
  • The European Parliament and Council Regulation (EU) 2019/2152 of 27 November 2019 on European business statistics;
  • Albanian Law no 30/2022 date 24/03/2022 “On Official Statistics Program 2012-2026”;
  • Decision of Albanian Government “On nomenclature of economic activities, NACE Rev.2”, no. 320 date 28/05/2014;
  • Law no.115/2014 “On territorial Law no. 115/2014 On the Administrative-Territorial Division of the Local Government Units in the Republic of Albania;
  • Law no. 9920 dated 19.5.2008 “On Tax Procedures in the Republic of Albania”;
  • Law no 43/2022 date 21.04.2002 “For the development of micro, small and medium enterprises”
  • Decision of Albanian Government No 1037, date 15/12/2010 “ On implementation of territorial nomenclature “Albania in three regions, NUTS II” based on European Nomenclature of Territorial Units for Statistics;
  • Memorandum of Understanding between General Directory of Taxation and Institute of Statistics; date 11.03.2015;
  • Memorandum of Understanding between National Business Centre and Institute of Statistics; date 13.06.2017;
  • Directive of the Minister of Finance No. 19 dated 3.11.2014 “On Enforcement Regime Scheme specific compensation for purposes of agricultural producers of Value Added Tax”
  • Decision of Albanian Government, No. 541, date 29.9.2021 “On implementation on Nomenclature of Countries and Territories for the European statistics on international trade in goods and on the geographical breakdown for other business statistics”.

The variables of Business Registers

Identification variables ID number (NIPT), Legal form, Ownership, Name, Address, Communication (Tel, Mobile, Email, Web etc.)

Stratification variables (Main economic activity, Secondary activity, Total turnover, Number of employed, Number of employees,  Size of employed, Number of female employed, Geographical location, Institutional sector)

Demographic variables (Date of creation, Date of cessation).


Sources for updating

Administrative sources

  • Information from National Business Centre (NBC);
  • Information from General Directory of Taxation (GDT);
  • VAT file;
  • Annual account of enterprises.

Statistical sources

  • Annual Structure Survey, SBS;
  • Quarterly survey, STS;
  • Accommodation Establishments Survey, AES;
  • Other surveys.

Updated variables

  • Activity status (active or inactive);
  • Main economic activity;
  • Ownership
  • Size by employed;
  • Address;
  • County/Prefecture
  • Communication variables (telephone, mobile phone, e-mail, etc...).


Legal unit

Legal unit is not directly a statistical unit. Legal unit can be:

  • Legal person, whose existence is recognized by law independently of the individuals or institutions which may own or are members of him;
  • Physical person, who is engaged in an economic activity in its own right.


An enterprise is: “the smallest combination of legal units, that is an organisational unit producing goods or services which benefits from a certain degree of autonomy in decision-making, especially for the allocation of its current resources. An enterprise carries out one or more activities at one or more locations (local unit)”.

The relationship between an enterprise and a legal unit is therefore defined as: “the enterprise corresponds either to a legal unit or to a combination of legal units”.

Local unit

The local unit is an enterprise or part thereof (e.g. a workshop, factory, warehouse, office, mine or depot) situated in a geographically identified place. At or from this place, the economic activity is carried out, for which - save for certain exceptions - one or more people work (even if only part-time) for one single enterprise.

Enterprises economic activity is based on Nomenclatures for Economic Activities, NACE Rev.2.

The classification of Economic Activities (NACE) is a four-digit classification performed by different subjects. The classification in Albania is adopted by Government Decision No.320, date 28.05.2014 and is the translation and adoption of Classification of Economic Activities of European Union, NACE Rev.2.

Size of enterprises

Size of enterprises is determined by number of employed:

  • Enterprise with 1 to 4 employed classified as micro enterprises;
  • Enterprise with 5 to 9 employed classified as small enterprises;
  • Enterprise with 10 to 49 employed classified as medium enterprises;
  • Enterprise with 50 and more employed classified as big enterprises;

Nomenclature of Territorial Units for Statistics, NUTS II

Albania territory is divided in three regions based on prefectures:

  • Region I: Dibër, Durrës, Kukës, Lezhë, Shkodër;
  • Region II: Elbasan, Tiranë;
  • Region III: Berat, Fier, Gjirokastër, Korçë, Vlorë.

Farmers registered during last years are identified by unique code (NIPT) and enforcement the specific scheme compensation for purposes of agricultural producers of Value Added Tax. The registration process to tax offices, made enables farmers to have legal personality and to be part of legal unit register that INSTAT updates and maintains.

Turnover comprises the totals amount invoiced by the enterprises during the reference period, and this corresponds to market sales of goods or services supplied to third parties.

Employed include all persons working in the enterprise including owners, paid employees as well as unpaid family members.

Employees are all persons who work directly with the enterprise on the basis of a contract of employment and receives compensation in the form of wages, salaries etc.

Quality in Statistics

Quality Report of Business registers is based on the quality concept of the European Statistical System (ESS) and on the principles regarding the quality of statistical products according to the European Statistics Code of Practice.

The data published in this publication are object of Revision Policy Directives, Errors Treatment Policy and INSTAT’s quality guidelines.