Agriculture Statistics, 2017
The vegetables production in 2017 was 1,151,928 tonnes, inceased by
2.02%, compared with the year 2016. The highest level of vegetables production was achived in the
prefectures of Fier with 405.928 tonnes, Tirana with 124.148 tonnes and Berat with 121.433 tonnes.
The cereals production in 2017 is 701.732 tonnes, increased by 0.48 % compared with the previous
year. The highest level of cereals production was achived in the prefectures of Fier with 182.999
tonnes, following by prefectures of Elbasan with 99.401 tonnes and Korça with 82.396 tonnes.
The potatoes production in 2017 is 249.804 tonnes, increased by 4.81 % compared with the previous
year. The highest level of potatoes production was achived in the prefectures of Korça with 60.864
tonnes, following by prefectures of Fier with 46.147 tonnes and Dibra with 23.977 tonnes.

Entrance 1, Tirana, ZIP Code 1017