Rail Transport Statistics Q4 - 2024
The length of the railway network in use in Albania is 253 km. The railways lines, currently in use, are as follows: Borderline - Gjorm with a length of 93 km, Durrës - Elbasan with a length
of 76 km, Rrogozhinë – Fier with a length of 49 km, Fier - Vlorë of 35 km. Rail transport of freights is carried out at distances of 0 - 49 km and 50 - 150 km.
Rail Transport Statistics, for the fourth quarter of 2024, are presented as follows:
The volume of goods transported by rail is 133.6 thousand tons, increasing by 1.8 %, compared to the fourth quarter of 2023.
The volume of goods transported by rail is 4,480 thousand ton-km from 4,520 thousand ton-km in the same peirod of the previouse year, decreasing by 0.9 %.

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St. Vllazën Huta, Building 35,
Entrance 1, Tirana, ZIP Code 1017
Entrance 1, Tirana, ZIP Code 1017
+355 4 2222 411
+355 4 2228300