Statistics on small and medium enterprises, 2020

Statistics on small and medium enterprises (SMEs) based on the results of Structural Survey of Enterprises, for the year 2020, state that:

99.8 % of active enterprises are SMEs, the same percentage as in 2019;

81.9 % of total number of employed are employed from SMEs, from 81.6 % in 2019;

79.7 % of turnover was realized from SMEs compared with 78.9 % realized in 2019;

74.0 % of total investments were realized from SMEs from 68.2 % invested in 2019;

74.1 % of value added realized from SMEs compared with 72.4 % that was in 2019Statistics on small and medium enterprises, 2020

Next Publishing
Statistics on small and medium enterprises, 2021
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