Foreigners in Albania, year 2023

At the end of 2023, the number of foreigners with residence permits in Albania resulted 21,460 inhabitants, by increasing with 18.2 % compared to 2022. The number of resident foreigners in 2023 is dominated by males with 63.8 % versus females with 36.2%. The number of applications for residence permits in Albania, in 2023 was 12,430 applications, by increasing with 22.7 % compared with 2022. Resident foreigners originating from Kosovo, Italy, and Turkey constitute the largest number of foreigners with residence permits in Albania in 2023, respectively with 3,712, 3,375 and 1,693 inhabitants. Foreigners originating from Europe, in 2023 result in 15,223 inhabitants and constitute 70.9 % of the total number of foreigners compared to 73.3 % that constituted in 2022. The main reason for the residence permits of foreigners in Albania in 2023, is for employment with 48.3 %.

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Foreigners in Albania, year 2024
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