Innovation activities in enterprises, 2018-2020
During the period 2018-2020, 36.6 % of enterprises carried out an innovation activity. Innovation activity of the enterprises providing services 41.0 % (sections G, H, J, K, and M of NACE Rev. 2) comparing to enterprises operating in the industrial sector (B, C, D, E of NACE Rev. 2) by 32.1 % (Tab. 1). Compared to the data of the previous innovation survey with reference period 2017-2019, innovation activity decreased by 1.7 % (from 38.3 % to 36.6 %). This decline was observed in enterprises in the industry and services sector respectively by 2.0% and 1.3%. Innovation activity was more present in the group of large enterprises, with over 250 employees with 68.2%. The largest share of innovation-active enterprises was in the group of large enterprises (with 250 and more persons employed) by 68.2 %.

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