Innovation in Small and Medium Enterprises, 2016-2018

INSTAT in collaboration with other countries in the region carried out the survey on "Innovation in Small and Medium Enterprises". According to the Nomenclature of Economic Activities (NACE), the survey covers the activities of Manufacture of computer, electronic and optical products, Telecommunications, Computer programming, consultancy, and related activities and Information service activities (for further information see page 4, Methodology).
According to the data collected, 46.9 % of enterprises resulted innovative during the three-year reference period, 2016-2018. Enterprises providing computer programming, consultancy and related activities (NACE 62), including computer programming activities, computer consultancy activities, computer facilities management activities, other information technology and computer service activities are the most active innovators with 53.2 %.

Next Publishing
Innovation in Small and Medium Enterprises, 2017-2019
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