Information and Communication Technologies in Enterprises, 2018

Enterprises that used the computer for work purposes, during 2018, represent 97.3 % of economic enterprises with 10 or more employed, from 96.0 % in 2017.
During 2018, the percentage of enterprises that have specialist in the field of information and communication technology is 22.9 %, from 22.4 % in 2017.
Share of employed using the computer for work purposes is 26.0 % from 28.1 % that was in 2017. The lowest share of employed using the computer is in manufacturing activities with 7.2 % and construction activity with
15.0 %. Computers are used to a greater extent by employed of enterprises that perform in information and communication sectors by 73.9 %, professional, scientific and technical activities by 68.6 % and employed in repair of computers, personal and family items by 65.2 %.

Next Publishing
Information and Communication Technologies in Enterprises, 2019
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