Producer Price Index, Q4 -2013
Quarterly change of index is 0.3 %
In the fourth quarter 2013, Producer Price Index reached 113.2 % compared with base year 2005. (2005 = 100). The annual change of index is 0.1 %. Compared with the same period of year 2012, prices of products produced for domestic market increased by 0.2 %, while the prices of products produced for export decreased by 0.3 %.
Quarterly change of index is 0.3 %. Producer Pricer in" Mining and quarrying" increased by 1.0 %. Higher prices were recorded in mining and quarrying of energy products by 3.4 %. Producer Price Index increased by 0.4 % in "Manufacturing" section. The prices went up in manufacture of tanning and dressing of leather, footwear products by 1.5 %. The prices decreased in manufacture of coke, refined petroleum products by 0.3 %.

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