Harmonised Index of Consumer Price, May 2018

The annual rate measured by Harmonised Index of Consumer Prices (HICP) in May 2018 is 1.8 %. The most increase of the prices it was notice in the “Recreation and culture” group by 3.5 %, followed by “Food and non-alcoholic beverages” group by 3.0 %, “Clothing and footwear” group by 1.9 %, “Housing, water, electricity, gas and other fuels” and “Transport” by 1.8 % each of them, “Education service” by 0.9 %, “Alcoholic beverages and tobacco” and “Hotels, coffee-houses and restaurants” by 0.8 each of them, “Communication” by 0.7 %, etc.

In May 2018, the monthly rate measured by Harmonised Index of Consumer Price is -1.4 %. This is influenced mostly by decrease of prices in “Food and non-alcoholic beverages” group by 3.5 % followed by “Clothing and footwear” by 0.7 %, “Alcoholic beverages and tobacco” by 0.6 %, “Goods and different services” by 0.2 %, and “Hotels, coffee-houses and restaurants” by 0.1 %. Prices of “Recreation and culture” and Health” groups are increased by 0.1 %. In comparison with previous month, there were no changes in the other groups.

Next Publishing
Harmonised Index of Consumer Price, June 2018
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