Consumer Price Index, June 2015
Consumer Price Index in June arrived 118.1 % considerate December 2007 as base period.
In June 2015 the annual rate of consumer price is 1.4 %. A year before the annual rate was 1.5 %.
Contribution of main groups in yearly changes of CPI: Annual growth rate in June was push up mainly from "Food and non-alcoholic beverage" group by +1.07 p.p. Higher prices of "Alcoholic beverages and tobacco" group contributed by +0.25 p.p.. Prices of "Education service" group contributed by + 0.14 p.p. in annual rate. Prices of "Communication" groups contributed by +0.06 p.p.. Price of "Housing, water, electricity gas and other fuel", "Clothing and footwear" and "Transport" groups, contributed each of them by -0.07 p.p. Prices of "Health" and "Goods and different services" groups contributed respectively by -0.06 and - 0.04 p.p.

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