Milk and Dairy Products, 2017
In 2017, the quantity of milk collected is approximately 131 thousand tonnes, increasing with 4.99 %, compared to 2016. During this period, the quantity of cows milk collected is approximately 110 thousand tonnes, increasing with 6.55 %, compared to 2016. On the other hand, in 2017, the colleted quantity of sheep milk is approximately 13 thousand tonnes, increasing with 1.54 %, compared to the previous year. Milk collected from goats is around 9 thousand tonnes, decreasing with 8.04 %, compared to 2016.

Contact us
St. Vllazën Huta, Building 35,
Entrance 1, Tirana, ZIP Code 1017
Entrance 1, Tirana, ZIP Code 1017
+355 4 2222 411
+355 4 2228300