Tenders and Procurement's

Notice of procurement

Institute of Statistics (INSTAT) intends to award a supply contract for “Purchase and implementation of the SIEM system (Security information and Event Management)” in Tirana, Albania with financial assistance from the External Actions of the European Union- IPA 2014/A1/07.

The tender dossier is available as follow: PROCUREMENT DOCUMENTS

The deadline for submission of tenders is 11.09.2024 at 10:00

Possible additional information or clarifications/questions shall be published on the website of INSTA: https://www.instat.gov.al/al/rreth-nesh/prokurimet-dhe-ankandet/



Notice of procurement

The Institute of Statistics (INSTAT), Tirana, invites eligible Tenderers to submit a Tender for the procurement procedure: “Census backup infrastructure maintenance”, in the frame of the project “Direct funding in support of INSTAT for the implementation of the activities of the Population and Housing Census 2023 in Albania, SIDA contribution no. 12550”. The project is financially supported by the Government of Sweden represented by the Swedish International Development and Cooperation Agency (SIDA) and the Government of Albania (VAT 20%). The procurement method used is “Simplified Tendering” in accordance with SIDA Procurement Guidelines (SPG) March 2020.

You can find the Invitation to Tender (ITT) by presenting to the institution a request letter, which must contain the date, the information of the procedure, the particulars of the economic operator, addressed to the Procurement Sector or through the e-mail address: instat.albania@gmail.com. Notice of procurement:

Withdrawal of documents is free of charge. Deadline for submission of tenders: 21.02.2024, time 11:00. Address: Rr. Vllazën Huta, Bl. 35. En. 1, 1017, Tirana, Albania

Notice of procurement

Në kuadër të projektit: “Financim direkt për prokurimin në mbështetjen e INSTAT për zbatimin e aktiviteteve të Censusit të Popullsisë dhe Banesave 2022 në Shqipëri, “Sida contribution nr: 12550”, financuar nga Qeveria Suedeze, e përfaqsuar nga Agjensia Suedeze për Zhvillim dhe Bashkëpunim Ndërkombëtar (Sida), Instituti i Statistikave (INSTAT), Tiranë, do të zhvillojë procedurën e prokurimit me objekt: Printime

Dosjen e tenderit mund ta gjeni duke klikuar si në vijim: DOKUMENTAT E PROKURIMIT 

Afati i fundit i dorëzimit të ofertave është: 20.07. 2023, ora 10:00, në adresën: Instituti i Statistikave, Rr. Vllazën Huta, Nd. 35, H. 1, 1017 Tirana.

Informacionet shtesë ose sqarime/pyetje, do të publikohen në: www.instat.gov.al

Notice of procurement

Institute of Statistics of Albania intends to award a service contract for “Branded materials”,  in the frame of the project: “Direct funding to support INSTAT to carry out the population and housing Census 2022”, in Tirana, Albania, with financial assistance from Sweden, represented by the Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency (Sida) under the project: Direct funding on support INSTAT for the implementation of the activities of the Census Population and Housing 2022, with ID number 125550.

The tender dossier is available as follow: PROCUREMENT DOCUMENT starting from 16 June 2023.

The deadline for submission of tenders is 07.07.2023, time 12:00, at Institute of Statistics, Str. “Vllazën Huta”, Bl. 35, En. 1, Adm. Unit No. 2, 1017, Tirana, Albania.

Possible additional information or clarifications/questions shall be published on:

Notice of procurement

Institute of Statistics of Albania intends to award a service contract for “Boxes for transportation and barcode reader”,  in the frame of the project: “Direct funding to support INSTAT to carry out the population and housing Census 2022”, in Tirana, Albania, with financial assistance from Sweden, represented by the Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency (Sida) under the project: Direct funding on support INSTAT for the implementation of the activities of the Census Population and Housing 2022, with ID number 125550.

The tender dossier is available as follow: PROCUREMENT DOCUMENT

The deadline for submission of tenders is 30.06.2023, time 12.00, at Institute of Statistics, Str. “Vllazën Huta”, Bl. 35, En. 1, Adm. Unit No. 2, 1017, Tirana, Albania.

Possible additional information or clarifications/questions shall be published on www.instat.gov.al

Notice of procurement

Institute of Statistics (INSTAT) intends to award a supply contract for “IT Hardware and Software, Software for Tablets, Software for Laptops” in Tirana, Albania with financial assistance from the External Actions of the European Union- IPA 2014/A1/07. This procedure is separated in 7 (seven) lots:

Loti 1: SAS Analytic Pro

Loti 2: Adobe Creative Cloud for Teams

Loti 3: IBM SPSS Statistics Software

Loti 4: Windows Server 2022 Edition

Loti 5: SSL Wildcard License

Loti 6: Software per MDM (Mobile Device Management)

Loti 7: Office 365

Clarification: We want to clarify that the certificate of origin is not required for the software’s too.

The tender dossier is available by clicking as follows: PROCUREMENT DOCUMENT. The deadline for submission of tenders is 05.07.2023 at 10:00, Str. “Vllazën Huta”, Bld 35, Entr. 1, Administrative Unit No.2, Tirana, Albania, and will also be published on the website of INSTA: www.instat.gov.al

Possible additional information or clarifications/questions shall be published on the website of INSTAT: www.instat.gov.al

Notice of procurement

Institute of Statistics of Albania intends to award a service contract for “Branded materials”,  in the frame of the project: “Direct funding to support INSTAT to carry out the population and housing Census 2022”, in Tirana, Albania, with financial assistance from Sweden, represented by the Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency (Sida) under the project: Direct funding on support INSTAT for the implementation of the activities of the Census Population and Housing 2022, with ID number 125550.

The tender dossier is available as follow: PROCUREMENT DOCUMENT

The deadline for submission of tenders is 02.06.2023 , time 14.00, at Institute of Statistics, Str. “Vllazën Huta”, Bl. 35, En. 1, Adm. Unit No. 2, 1017, Tirana, Albania.

Possible additional information or clarifications/questions shall be published on: https://www.instat.gov.al/en/about-us/tenders-and-procurements/

Notice of procurement

Institute of Statistics (INSTAT)  intends to award a supply contract for Cloud (Cloud based service for data transfer and synchronization) + Dedicated internet 1GB/S + Sim Cards and mobile internet traffic)” in Tirana, Albania with financial assistance from the External Actions of the European Union-  IPA 2014/A1/07.

The tender dossier is available by clicking as followed: PROCUREMENT DOCUMENT Str. “Vllazën Huta”, Bld 35, Entr. 1, Administrative Unit No.2, Tirana, Albania, and will also be published on the webside of INSTA: www. Instat.gov.al

The deadline for submission of tenders is 19.05.2023 at 14:00

Possible additional information or clarifications/questions shall be published on the website of INSTA: https://www.instat.gov.al/en/about-us/tenders-and-procurements/




Notice of procurement

Within the project: "Direct financing in support of INSTAT for the Population and Housing Census 2022 activities in Albania, "Sida contribution no: 12550", financed by the Swedish government, represented by the Swedish Agency for Development and International Cooperation (Sida) , the Institute of Statistics (INSTAT), Tirana, will develop the procurement procedure with the object:

Contracting an audit company which will carry out the verification of project expenses for the entire period of its implementation.

The tender document  can find by clicking as follows: PROCUREMENT DOCUMENT from 21.09.2022.

The deadline for the submission of offers is 05.10.2022, at 16:30, at the address: Institute of Statistics, Rr. Vllazan Huta, Nd. 35, H. 1, 1017 Tirana.

Additional information or clarifications/questions will be published at: https://www.instat.gov.al/en/about-us/tenders-and-procurements/

Clarification requests can be submitted to the Contracting Authority, until the last day of submission of offers.


INSTAT announces that the procurement procedure "Purchase of 1 (One) Vehicle" financed with Sida funds, based on SPG March 2020, Section 6, Point 2, is cancelled.

The announcement about the reopening of the procedure will be made on the official website of INSTAT.

Tender Notification

Institute of Statistics of Albania intends to award a contract for the “Purchase of 1 (One) Vehicle” in Tirana, Albania, with financial assistance from Sweden, represented by the Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency (Sida) under the project: 

Direct funding for procurement on support of INSTAT for the implementation of Population and Housing Census 2022 activities in Albania, with Sida contribution nr: 12550.

The tender dossier is available at PROCUREMENT DOCUMENT   from April 14, 2022.

The deadline for submission of tenders is: April 29, 2022, time 14.00 hrs, at Institute of Statistics of Albania, Str. Vllazën Huta, Nd. 35, H. 1, 1017, Tirana, Albania.

Possible additional information or clarifications/questions shall be published on the https://www.instat.gov.al/en/about-us/tenders-and-procurements/

Tenderers may request clarification on any of the documents of the Tender up to 4 days before the date of submission of offers.

Procurement Notice

Institute of Statistics (INSTAT) intends to award a supply contract for “Cloud (Cloud based service for data transfer and synchronization) + Dedicated internet 1GB/S + Sim Cards and mobile internet traffic)” in Tirana, Albania, with financial assistance from the External Actions of the European Union – IPA 2014/AL/07.

The tender dossier is available at: PROCUREMENT DOCUMENT 

The deadline for submission of tenders is: 29.04.2022, Local Time 14:30. Str. “Vllazën Huta”, Bld. 35, Entr. 1, Administrative Unit No. 2, Tirana, Albania, and will also be published on the website of INSTAT

Possible additional information or clarifications/questions shall be published on the website of INSTAT: https://www.instat.gov.al/en/about-us/tenders-and-procurements/

Procurement Notice

Institute of Statistics of Albania intends to award a service contract for “Printing of promotional materials for Census at School”,  in the frame of the project: “Direct funding to support INSTAT to carry out the population and housing Census 2022”, in Tirana, Albania, with financial assistance from Sweden, represented by the Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency (Sida) under the project: Direct funding on support INSTAT for the implementation of the activities of the Census Population and Housing 2022, with ID number 125550.

The tender dossier is available as follow: PROCUREMENT DOCUMENT 

The deadline for submission of tenders is March 18, 2022, time 16.00, at Institute of Statistics, Str. “Vllazën Huta”, Bl. 35, En. 1, Adm. Unit No. 2, 1017, Tirana, Albania.

Possible additional information or clarifications/questions shall be published on the https://www.instat.gov.al/en/about-us/tenders-and-procurements/

The request for clarification might be submitted to Contracting Authority not later than 10 days from the deadline for submission of tenders.

Procurement Notice

Institute of Statistics of Albania intends to award a service contract for “Making videos and buying TV space for the advertising campaign for the second Pilot of Census 2022”, in Tirana, Albania, with financial assistance from Sweden, represented by the Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency (Sida) under the project: Direct funding on support INSTAT for the implementation of the activities of the Census Population and Housing 2022, with ID number 12550.

The tender dossier is available as follow: PROCUREMENT DOCUMENT 

The deadline for submission of tenders is September 14, 2021, time 16.00, at Institute of Statistics, Str. “Vllazën Huta”, Bl. 35, En. 1, Adm. Unit No. 2, 1017, Tirana, Albania.

Possible additional information or clarifications/questions shall be published on the https://www.instat.gov.al/en/about-us/tenders-and-procurements/

The request for clarification might be submitted to Contracting Authority not later than 10 days from the deadline for submission of tenders.

Procurement Notice

Institute of Statistics of Albania intends to award a service contract for “Realization of the concept for the advertising campaign for the second pilot of the Census 2022, including visual identification materials”, in Tirana, Albania, with financial assistance from Sweden, represented by the Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency (Sida) under the project: Direct funding on support INSTAT for the implementation of the activities of the Census Population and Housing 2022, with ID number 12550.

The tender dossier is available as follow: PROCUREMENT DOCUMENT

The deadline for submission of tenders is September 28, 2021, time 16.00, at Institute of Statistics, Str. “Vllazën Huta”, Bl. 35, En. 1, Adm. Unit No. 2, 1017, Tirana, Albania.

Possible additional information or clarifications/questions shall be published on the https://www.instat.gov.al/en/about-us/tenders-and-procurements/

The request for clarification might be submitted to Contracting Authority not later than 10 days from the deadline for submission of tenders.