Press Release - Labour Market, 2016

Over the year 2016, according to Labour Force Survey estimates, labour force is 1,365 thousand persons. Females account for 43.4 % of the labour force and males 56.6 %. Employed are 1.157 thousand persons, from which females account for 43.8 % and males 56.2 %. The number of unemployed is estimated 208 thousand persons, of which 41 % are females and 59 % of are males.

The labour force participation rate for the population aged 15-64 years old is 66.2 %. For male population aged 15-64, the labour force participation rate is 15.8 percentage points higher than females.

The employment rate for the population aged 15-64 years old is 55.9 %. Employment rate for female is 49.7 % and for males 61.9 %. The gender gap in employment for this age-group is 12.2 percentage points.

The agricultural and services sectors have the highest share of employed with respectively 40.2 % and 40.4 % of the total employment. According to the 2016 survey estimates, it results that 41.2 % of employed are employees, 34.9 % are self-employed (with employees or without employees) and     23.9 % are contributing family workers.

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Labour Market, 2017
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