Quarterly Labour Force Survey, Q4 - 2014

Over the fourth quarter 2014, according to the quarterly Labour Force Survey, the number of employed people of age 15-64 is 1,039,336 persons. 

The number of unemployed aged 15-64 years old is 227,407 persons.

Over the fourth quarter 2014 in Albania:

  • Unemployment rate for the population of age 15-64 is 18.0 %.
  • Youth (aged 15-29 yrs. old) unemployment rate is 33.9 %.
  • 63.6 % of the population 15-64 years old was active in the labour market, either employed or actively looking for a job.
  • Employment rate for the population aged 15-64 years is 52.1 %.
  • The male employment rate is 13.8 percentage points higher than that of females.
  • Compared to the fourth quarter of 2013, for the population 15-64 years old:
  • The number of employed is increased with 82,629 persons.
  • The number of unemployed is increased with 30,459.
  • The number of persons at age 15-64 years old out of the labour market has decreased with 105,113.
  • The female unemployment rate is increased with 1.5 percentage points, whereas for males is decreased by 0.5 percentage points.
  • Compared to the third quarter of 2014, for population 15-64 years old:
  • The number of employed is decreased with 3,722.
  • The number of unemployed is increased with 7,821.
  • The number of persons at age 15-64 years old out of the labour market is decreased with 3,903.
  • The unemployment rate decreased with 0.2 percentage points for males and increased with 1.6 percentage points for females.
Next Publishing
Quarterly Labour Force Survey, Q1 - 2015
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