Labour Force Survey Q2 2015

According to Labour Force Survey, during the second quarter of 2015, the number of employed aged 15-64 is 1,048,908 persons. The number of unemployed aged
15-64 is 220,162 persons.

During the second quarter of 2015 in Albania:

  • The unemployment rate for persons aged 15-64 is 17.3 %.
  • The unemployment rate for persons aged 15-29 is 34.2 %.
  • 63.7 % of population aged 15-64 is active in labour market, either employed or actively looking for a job.
  • The employment rate for population aged 15-64 is 52.7 %.
  • Male employment rate is 15.3 percentage points higher than female employment rate
Next Publishing
Quarterly Labour Force Survey Q3 2015
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