Quarterly Labour Force Survey Q4 - 2013

The estimated number of unemployed of age 15-64 was 188,944

Over the fourth quarter 2013, according to the quarterly Labour Force Survey estimates, the number of employed people of age 15-64 in Albania was 922,840. The estimated number of unemployed of age 15-64 was 188,944. The unemployment rate for the population aged 15-64 was 17 %.

Over the fourth quarter 2013 in Albania:

  • 58.4 % of the working age population was active in the labour market, either employed or
  • actively looking for a job
  • 48.5 % of the working age population had a work
  • 28 % of the economically active population aged 15-29 were unemployed
  • 17.9 % of the non-economically active population of age 15-64 were discouraged workers

Compared to the previous quarter of the same year the unemployment rate has increased by 0.1 percentage point

Next Publishing
Quarterly Labour Force Survey Q1 2014
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