Accommodation Establishments, January 2022

INSTAT following the quarterly publication of Tourism Survey "Accommodation establishments", releases for the first time the monthly data for January 2022.

The survey is conducted to hotels and similar establishments and aims to measure the performance of statistical variables about Albanian tourism supply, which are important for drafting policies on capacity development of the tourism sector.

In January 2022, the occupancy indicators of accommodation establishments are presented as bellow: The number of total arrivals has increased by 50.7 %, compared to January 2021.

The same trends follow the two below indicators:

number of resident arrivals increased by 60.3 %;

number of non-resident arrivals increased by 35.2 %;

The number of total nights spent has increased by 2 times, compared to January 2021. The same trends follow the two below indicators:

number of nights spent by residents increased by 87.6 %;

number of nights spent by non-residents increased by 2.2 times;

Next Publishing
Accommodation Establishments, February 2022
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