Movements of citizens in Albania, July 2018
The number of Albanian and foreign citizens arrivals to the territory of Albania, in July 2018 is 1,584,604, compared with July 2017, this indicator increased 12.3 %.
In July 2018, the number of foreign citizens’ arrivals in the country is 1,028,182. Compared with July 2017, this number decreased 19.0 %.
The number of foreign citizen arrivals to the territory of Albania during in seven months of 2018, is 2,947,686, increasing by 12.4 %, compared with the same period of 2017.
In July 2018, among the countries with the highest incomes of citizens in Albania, Poland had the highest growth by 38.8 %, while the largest decrease being 20.9 % by the United Kingdom.
In seven months of 2018, the country with the highest arrivals of citizens in Albania, the largest increase in inflows came from Poland 33.0 %.

Entrance 1, Tirana, ZIP Code 1017