Short Term Statistics - Producers of Goods, Q2 - 2018
Producers of goods quarterly indicators, which include the economic activities: Industry (Mining and quarrying and Manufacturing); Electricity, Gas, Steam; Water supply; Sewerage, Waste management and Remediation activities and Construction, in second quarter 2018, are presented as below:
- Turnover volume index increased by 12.6 % compared with the same period of the previous year;
- Production volume index increased by 13.4 % compared with the same period of the previous year;
- The number of employees’ index increased by 9.8 % compared with the same period of the previous year;
- Wages index increased by 15.9 % compared with the same period of the previous year.

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St. Vllazën Huta, Building 35,
Entrance 1, Tirana, ZIP Code 1017
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+355 4 2222 411
+355 4 2228300