Short Term Statistics, Q1 - 2014

The annual change of this index presents an increase 1.7% in the activities covered in the quarterly survey, compared with the First Quarter 2013.

In First Quarter 2014, the volume turnover index was 102.6% against the base year (2010=100), deflated with fixed prices. The annual change of this index presents an increase 1.7% in the activities covered in the quarterly survey, compared with the First Quarter 2013. This change on the same quarterly 2013 was 1.2 %. This increase was mainly indicated by the activity of the sector of "Industry" and "Services", respectably 3.8 % and 4.0 %.

The activity of "Industry" is mainly indicated by the increase 18.0% of volume turnover index, deflated, in the "Mining and quarrying". This indicator in the activity of "Electricity, Gas, Steam and Air Conditioning supply" and "Water collection, treatment and supply" presents a decrease respectably 3.2 % and 2.6 % In this quarter, the activity of construction presents a decrease of volume turnover index 4.9 %, compared with the same period of the previous year

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Short Term Statistics, Q2 - 2014
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