Building permits issued, Q4 - 2023

In the fourth quarter 2023 are approved 303 building permits issued for new buildings, from 415 building permits issued approved in the fourth quarter 2022, decreasing this indicator by
27.0 % (tab.2).

Building permits issued total area for new buildings in the fourth quarter 2023 is 592,660 m2, from 555,779m2 approved in the fourth quarter 2022, increasing this indicator by 6.6 % (tab.3).

The approximate value of building permits issued for buildings and civil engineering works, in the fourth
quarter 2023, is 25,3 billion ALL, from 26,6 billion ALL approved in the first quarter 2022. This indicator, in the fourth quarter 2023, compared with the same quarter of the previous year, decreased by 4.7 % (tab.4).

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Building permits issued, Q1 - 2024
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