Gross Domestic Product, Q1 - 2021
Gross Domestic Product (GDP) in the first quarter of 2021 in volume terms has increased by 5.53 % compared with the first quarter of 2020. The branches that gave a positive contribution are
Industry, Electricity and Water by +2.56 percentage point, Construction by +1.09 percentage point, Public administration, Education and Health by +0.97 percentage point, Real estate activity by +0.58 percentage point,
Financial and insurance services by +0.35 percentage point, Arts, entertainment and recreation services, other services by +0.20 percentage point, Information and Communication +0.14 percentage point, Agriculture, Forestry and Fishing by +0.01 percentage point. Negatively contributed the branches of the economy such as Professional services and Administrative services by -0.20 percentage point, Trade, Transport, Accommodation and Food Services by -0.14 percentage point. Net taxes on products contributed negatively by -0.02 percentage point.

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