Gross Domestic Product, Q2-2017

Gross Domestic Product (GDP) in the second quarter of 2017 in volume terms has increased by 4.06 % compared with the second quarter of 2016. The main contribution to this increase gave the branches of the economy such asConstructionby +1.84 percentage point, Industry, Electricity and Water by +0.69 percentage point,Trade Hotels and Restaurantsand Transport by + 0.52 percentage point,Public administration, Education and Healthby +0.43 percentage point,Financial and insurance servicesby+0.27percentage point,  Agriculture, Forestry and Fishing by +0.16 percentage point,Information and Communicationby +0.05 percentage point,Real estate activities by +0.05 percentage.The branches that gave a negative contribution areOther services by -0.11 percentage point,Professional servicesand Administrative servicesby -0.13 percentage point.Net taxes on products contributed positively by +0.29 percentage point.

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Gross Domestic Product, Q3-2017
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