Gross Domestic Product Semifinal 2013
INSTAT presents to users final annual results of Gross Domestic Product (GDP) for the year 2012 and semi-final results for the year 2013 according to NACE Rev 2. In this publication, National Accounts will present for the first time GDP data for the years 2011-2013 according to the Nomenclature of Economic Activities, NACE Rev. 2. After the introduction of the new classification in all business and employment statistics, national accounts statistics were the last statistical domain implementing the new classification. Classifications updates are important to make indicators more useful to users, to reflect economic developments and to improve the comparability of data between EU countries. Actually, GDP is presented in 35 economic activities, being more detailed in the field of services. In the next month, INSTAT is going to complete the entire system of national accounts according to the new classification NACE Rev. 2, being completed with previous annual and quarterly series of GDP indicators, Regional Accounts and Supply and Use Table

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