Gross Domestic Product, Q4 - 2013

Economic activity in fourth quarter of 2013 in volume terms decreased by 1.10 % According to indicator of Gross Value Added (GVA) economic activity in fourth quarter of 2013 in volume terms increased by 1.10 % compared with the fourth quarter of 2012. Contribution to this increase gave the main branches of the economy like Trade, Hotels and Restaurants, Construction, Industry, Post and telecommunication. The main branches of the economy for the fourth quarter 2013 compared with fourth quarter 2012 appeared as follows: Agriculture activity in the fourth quarter of 2013 compared with the same quarter of 2012 increased by 1.23 %. The industry group activity increased by 7.18 % in the fourth quarter of 2013 compared with the fourth quarter of 2012. Construction activity increased by 3.66 % in the fourth quarter of 2013 compared with the respective quarter of 2012

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Gross Value Added, Q1 - 2014
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