

Adult Education Survey / AES-Individual questionnaire


Adult education survey for the year 2016. Metadata referential for AES can be access in the link below:

All variables (100)
Degree of urbanisation
Year of interview
Month of interview
Serial number of the household
Sequence number in the household
Data collection method
Number of people living in the household
Household type
Net monthly equivalised household income
Year of birth
Month of birth
Country of birth
Years of residence
Marital status
The highest level of education completed
Field of the highest education
Year when highest level of education was successfully completed
Orientation of the highest level of education
Formal education or training abandoned
Level of formal education or training abandoned
Orientation of the formal education or training abandoned
Labour status
Employed during the last 12 months
Professional status
Economic activity (description)
Number of employees
Starting year of current main job
Educational attainment level of the respondent’s father
Educational attainment level of the respondent’s mother
Country of birth of the father
Country of birth of the mother
Seeking information about learning possibilities
Guidance and counselling through institutions/organisations
Source of guidance
Type of guidance received
Mode of delivery of guidance
Participation in formal education and training
Number of formal education or training activities
Starting year of the most recent formal education activity
Starting month of the most recent formal education activity
Level of the most recent formal education activity
Field of the most recent taught learning activity
Orientation of the most recent formal education activity
Distance learning for the most recent formal education or training
Distance learning organised as an online course
Interaction with other people through the internet
Reasons for participating in the most recent formal education activity
Most recent formal education or training activity during paid working hours
Volume of instruction of formal education or training activity – Number of hours
Payment for the most recent formal education or training activity
Partial or full payment for formal education or training activity
Current use of skills/knowledge from the most recent formal education or training activity
Expected use of skills/knowledge from the most recent formal education or training activity
Outcomes of the most recent formal education or training activity
Number of non-formal learning activities
Type of the x non-formal learning activity
Job-related non-formal learning activity
Non-formal learning activity taking place during paid working hours
Non-formal learning activity partially or fully paid by the employer
Code of the 1st randomly-selected non-formal learning activity
Type of the 1st randomly-selected non-formal learning activity
Field of the 1st non-formal learning activity
Distance learning for the 1st non-formal learning activity
Distance learning for the 1st non-formal learning activity organised as an online course
Use of online educational resources for the 1st non-formal
Interaction with other people through the internet for the 1st non-formal learning activity
Reasons for participating in the 1st non-formal learning activity
Volume of instruction of the 1st non-formal learning activity – Number of hours
Provider of the 1st non-formal learning activity
Certificate after the 1st non-formal learning activity
Payment for the 1st non-formal learning activity
Provider for partial/full payment
Costs paid for 1st non-formal learning activity
Current use of skills/knowledge from the 1st non-formal learning activity
Expected use of skills/knowledge from the 1st nonformal learning activity
Outcomes of the 1st non-formal learning activity
Difficulties related to participation (or more participation) in education and training
No need for (further) education and training
Type of difficulties encountered for any kind of education and training
Most important difficulty encountered for any kind of education and training
Mother tongue
Language(s) used other than mother tongue
First best-known language other than mother tongue
First best-known language knowledge (other than mother tongue)
Second best-known language other than mother tongue
Second best-known language knowledge ( other than mother tongue)
Attendence in a live performance
Attendance in a cinema
Visits in cultural sites
Attendance in live sport events
Number of newspapers' readings
Reading books
Number of books read
Participation in activities